What’s yet to come

Hey everyone! I am so excited to be starting my very own blog. It has taken a long time to actually work up the nerve and write my first post. Writing was never my strong suit so this is a growing experience for me. With any luck i’ll get better as I go! 

I really just want this blog to be fun and uplifting. There are so many different things that I enjoy doing so I may be all over the place with my posts. Things that I will definitely be sharing a lot about are…..

BEAUTY – Recently I’ve really been trying to learn more about makeup and beauty products and have been loving it so i’ll definitely be sharing my favorite products and routines that I’ve learned.

HAIR – I had cancer last year and lost all of my hair, yes all of it, so this will be a fun learning journey as I do my best to style my hair at all lengths. 

STYLE – I may not be the most stylish person out there and I’m definitely not trying to be, but finding new places to shop and trying new styles is always a blast.

HOME RENO – We just bought a house! I am so so excited and seriously cant wait to move in (we haven’t gotten possession yet, boo). But we are planning on redoing a lot of our house ourselves and I can not wait to share that process!

CRAFTS – I have always been obsessed with crafts, and have trying pretty much everything. So there will be a good amount of fun craft ideas and DIY projects!

COOKING – This should have probably said baking, but Im leaving it open to all recipes. I just love making cupcakes and cookies way more than chicken and veggies. 

Thats definitely what i’ll be focusing on for the blog, but I am sure there will be odds and ends in there. If you ever want me to have more of certain type of post let me know! I really cannot wait to start staring my heart and posting more!



I got this amazing dress from Marshals (one of my favorite stores ever!) It is a Calvin Klein and is super comfy and slimming <3

**Disclaimer: This blog post contains affiliate links. If you use them, I may be rewarded or make a commission from the sale. Please note that I only recommend tools that I personally use and love and I always have my readers’ best interest at heart.**

Photography done by the amazing Ashley Graham – Oh Deer Photography LLC

October 18, 2018