New Year, New You

A new year. A new you. It seems like New Year’s resolutions have gotten a bad rep. Every January, gyms get a surge of new members. It’s the one time of year that health foods sell out. We seem to set all the same goals every year, but never seem to actually accomplish them.

Seems silly to just keep setting the same goals that you never hit, but then, there’s just something magical about dreaming up a new you. Picturing how amazing it would be to actually accomplish the things that you’ve never seemed to be able to accomplish before. If you could just stick to these few resolutions, your life would be better and you would be happy.

So if you could be happier, healthier, more financially stable, or whatever else your goals would achieve if you only followed through with them. Why do so many of our goals get pushed aside? Why do we eat one cheat meal and then stop eating healthy all together? I guess the simple answer is that change is hard. We aren’t in good shape because not going to the gym is pretty easy and working out is hard. And you know, that is a pretty good argument. The unfortunate part is that there’s also a flip side. Not accomplishing our goals is hard too. Lets stick with fitness as an example.

Going to the gym takes maybe 1-2 hours a day, 5 days a week. It’s a sacrifice, and it’s not fun to do. But how hard is it to be out of shape? Obviously it’s not hard to NOT workout. What about mentally? If you hate the way you look, it doesn’t just make you unhappy 1-2 hours day does it? No, it pretty much affects us 24/7. Every time you get changed and your clothes don’t fit the way you want. Every time you catch a glimpse of yourself and think about how much better you’d look 10 pounds lighter. Every time you get a picture taken next to someone who’s in better shape than you. All. The. Time. When you actually think about how unhappy your NOT hitting your goals has made you, does it outweigh the sacrifice it would take to hit your goals?

Theres a lot riding on 2021. It won’t take much to make it better than 2020, but I challenge you to make 2021 your best year yet!

Take a moment to sit down and actually write out your goals. If you don’t write them down its easy to push them aside. Then write out…

  1. What hitting your goals would look like.
  2. What NOT hitting your goals would look like.

After you’ve done that, make the right decision for you. Remember, if you don’t choose to change, you ARE choosing to stay the same.

Whatever your goals are, whatever you choose, I just want you to know that we are in this together. Change is never easy, but it is always worth it!

This year, one of my goals is to post on my blog more often. It shouldn’t be hard to beat last years record, but I’m hoping to leave 2020 in the dust. I want this blog to be encouraging to anyone who stops in to read it. I also plan to do more recipes, DIY projects and to share all the random little things that I love. If you have any requests, I’d love it if you reached out!

Thanks for reading!

I’d love to hear what your goals are for this year, put them in the comments below!



You can also download my goals checklist….

Goals Checklist
